Statement of Faith

1. We believe there is one living and true GOD, eternally existing in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory; that this triune God created all, upholds all, and governs all things.

2. We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, fully inspired without error and the infallible rule of faith and practice. The Word of God is the foundation upon which this church operates and is the basis for which this church is governed.

3. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and in the exercise of all Biblical gifts of the Spirit according to the instructions given to us in 1 Corinthians 12-14.

4. We believe that all people are sinners by nature and, therefore, are under condemnation; that God saves and regenerates based upon faith by the Holy Spirit, those who repent of their sins and confess Jesus Christ as Lord.

5. We believe salvation involves the redemption of the whole man and is offered freely to all who submit to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. Salvation happens in a moment, continues throughout the life of the Christian in the process of sanctification (becoming holy and growing in righteousness), and will ultimately be completed in the gift of perfect, resurrected bodies in the Christian's eternal existence with God.

6. We believe it is the duty and privilege of Red Rock World Missions to endeavor to make disciples of all nations and to seek constantly to win the lost to Christ by verbal witness undergirded by a Christian lifestyle, and by other methods in harmony with the gospel of Christ.

7. We believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ which is His personal, visible return to earth and the establishment of His millennial kingdom.

8. We believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church where all believers will meet the Lord in the air and be taken out of this world prior to the Tribulation that will come upon the earth.

9. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ validated the ordinance of marriage as the life-long union of one man and one woman.

10. We believe that all human life is sacred and created by God in His image. Human life is of inestimable worth in all its dimensions, including pre-born babies, the aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition from conception through natural death.